First Breach Blog

How an AR-15 Works
PUBLISHED January 15, 2025
I’ve seen many animated videos of the inner-workings of this incredible tool. This one by Matt Rittman is extremely detailed. Educate yourself on how this American-icon operates. First Breach makes both .223 REM and 5.56 NATO components and complete ammo for the AR-15 rifle.

PUBLISHED November 22, 2022
by Keith Evans, Vice President of Sales and Marketing The word “commitment” means different things to different people. For some, commitment is dragging your half-awake body to the ice rink at 5 AM because that’s the only time your child’s team can get ice time. For others, commitment is bringing home a puppy and creating an entire […]

Texas Handgun Ruling
PUBLISHED November 15, 2022
by CJ Dugan, Senior VP of Business Development On the 25th of August 2022, U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman in Fort Worth ruled that the state law prohibiting most 18- to 20-year-olds from carrying a handgun outside the home violates the Second Amendment right to bear arms and is not enforceable. He stayed the ruling […]

PUBLISHED November 10, 2022
by CJ Dugan, Senior VP of Business Development There are countless incredibly detailed books all about ballistics. People spend their entire lives on the subject and still need to learn more. I was looking around on the good ole internet and ran across the Merriam-Webster definition of “ballistics.” It is defined as “Extremely and usually suddenly […]

Meeting the Demand
PUBLISHED November 3, 2022
by Keith Evans, Vice President of Sales and Marketing Based on this year’s trends, 2022 is expected to be the third-strongest year for firearm sales in America. According to the NSSF (National Shooting Sports Foundation), “FBI Background check figures show that over one million guns have been sold in America every month for the past […]

Workplace Culture
PUBLISHED October 25, 2022
Over the past six months, we have been ramping up our hiring! A big part of our growth as a team has been our approach to training. This is especially the case for our Machine Operators. Each new operator gets to train with our Lead Supervisors to understand the machines they will be operating and […]

Veteran Respect
PUBLISHED October 20, 2022
While I did not serve in the military nor did I come from a military family, I recently experienced a brief glimpse of what it means to be from that world. The moment I knew that I was attending the A.U.S.A (Association of the United States Army) show this October, I was instantly curious and […]

State Department Quits Tracking Weapons and Arms
PUBLISHED October 19, 2022
World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers (WMEAT) is an annual report by the US State Department. The WMEAT was a required annual report of Military and Arms transfers worldwide. This requirement was instituted in a 1994 Statutory Provision that required publishing this information directly on their website. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year […]

Race to the Bottom
PUBLISHED October 6, 2022
Since the pandemic, companies have struggled to maintain their supply chain lines and produce “bread and butter” products such as 9mm ammunition. Today, they’re finally making a coming back (albeit slowly), with many dishonest brokers looking to exploit the vacuum in the market. First Breach is here to help reliably fill that void with our […]

Starting Something New
PUBLISHED October 4, 2022
Standing in my friendly local FFL, I saw what all of us have seen over the past few years: empty ammo shelves. I went to the range to buy what I could get my hands on, and after using several brands I wasn’t previously familiar with, it didn’t take long to see some ammunition is […]

American Made vs. Import
PUBLISHED September 29, 2022
Having 10+ years of public and private experience in the 2A industry, I am no stranger to the ‘products are cheaper overseas’ argument. I’m sure many of you in 2A have, at some point, dealt with or been a party to procuring products from overseas. A great idea on paper, but let’s take a closer […]

PUBLISHED September 27, 2022
The human body is a fantastic machine, unlike any other life form. It’s the mind that will quit…. There was a time when I was very disappointed to be serving in the U.S. Army. I intended to go to ETS, go back to MO, and change the course of my life. One of my former […]

Giving Back: Coast II Coast
PUBLISHED September 20, 2022
Coast II Coast is a 501c3 who’s made it its mission to honor fallen U.S. Special Operation Forces. The story starts over a decade ago, overseas. In October of 2012, a team of Special Operations members raided a house in northern Afghanistan in search of a High-Value Individual (HVI). Immediately after their helicopters landed, the […]

Celebrating Labor Day at First Breach
PUBLISHED September 9, 2022
As we wrap up our Labor Day celebrations, this is an excellent time to celebrate the integral work of all who make First Breach possible. As a start-up, we don’t take anything for granted – especially our people. Everyone on the First Breach team gives their all, every day, without exception. Dignity, integrity, and perseverance […]

Meet CJ Dugan, Senior Vice President of Business Development
PUBLISHED September 1, 2022
MSG CJ Dugan entered service on 4 Nov 1996. He enlisted into the U.S. Army as a Combat Engineer and was assigned to the 70th Engineer Battalion at Ft. Riley, KS. He was the youngest PFC ever to earn the Sapper Tab…

FB Mentioned on
PUBLISHED June 29, 2022
The First Breach team was excited to release the article, which offered the first look into their new facility and upcoming production. First Breach has practiced the idea of putting its money where its mouth is. They did not want to be simply purporting plans or desires for their own company; instead, they wanted […]